In the world of comedy, brilliance often conceals the darkness that lurks behind the laughter. Two iconic comedians, Freddie Prinze and Robin Williams, captivated audiences with their unparalleled talents, leaving their lasting…
Category: Archives
Every article, interview, review, etc.. that has ever been published on The Performing Artist magazine.
The Podcasting Journey: From Humble Beginnings to Leading the Industry
In the digital age, where information is at our fingertips, podcasting has become a cultural phenomenon, reshaping the way we consume content and giving a voice to individuals from diverse walks of…
Nurturing the Muse: Lifestyle and Wellness for Artists
In the compelling world of the arts, where creativity flows like a river and the stage is a canvas for expression, the well-being of performers stands as a cornerstone for sustainable and…
Mastering the Stage: A Symphony of Tips for Stage Actors
In the illustrious world of stage acting, each performance is a meticulous dance between the actor and the audience, where every movement, word, and expression contributes to the symphony of storytelling. To…
Stage to Page: The Art of Playwrights Crafting Memoirs in an Era of Diversity and Equity
Embarking on the transition from the vibrant world of playwriting to the introspective realm of memoir writing involves navigating distinct waters, each with its own set of challenges and techniques. Notable playwright…
Editor’s Note: Unveiling “The Performing Artist” Magazine
It is with immense excitement and a burst of creative energy that we present to you the inaugural issue of The Performing Artist magazine. As the Editor-in-Chief, I am delighted to share…